North Dakota

 Day 63: 25 July 2021


While we’re camped at Sheyenne Horse Camp and RV Park out in the boondocks, we ventured in to Fargo today for an oil change and groceries. Checking in at the Visitors Center, we found out that the two cool art museums that I had on my list of “places to see in Fargo” were closed on Sunday. Since this was the only day we had here, I got to walk around downtown in search of “murals”—lots were small and not visible from the main streets. We found downtown to be busy in spite of lots of businesses being closed for the day.  Dan dropped me off and I got to wander the back alleys near Broadway and Main and there were the murals. A few are pictured here.

Downtown Fargo Murals

1st Avenue North

Roberts Alley had many otherwise hidden murals. I jumped out of the truck and walked around in 97F temperatures to find a half dozen of the murals.

Just off Roberts Alley was Dillard Alley, a very short little walking street

I loved the train car murals. North Dakota State University is in Fargo.

Also loved the trees mural on the pedestrian bridge, crossing Broadway. Under the ped bridge, you can see the VFW Wings mural strip on the VFW building.

City Scenes

Fargo Theater

Looking back at Roberts Alley. There were cute bars and restaurants that opened onto this alley. It kind of reminded me of West 4th Street in CLE.

Jewelry store clock on Broadway

Fargo train station. 

Movie Reference

If you’ve seen the movie, then you get the reference. We never had, so I bought the DVD here at the Visitor Center and then watched it after dinner. It brought a lot of groans when it got to the wood chipper scene! I had Dan pose, telling him: just stand there and smile. We will understand what the deal is later!

Tomorrow we will head to Minnesota. The last time I went to the Twin Cities, my friend Nikki had invited me to visit. That was about 1983…? Stay tuned!

PS—did you miss the post from Day 62, July 24? No, you did not. It was hot. After a long day of driving, we stayed in at our North Dakota vacation home and did laundry. That is all. 


  1. My one trip to Fargo in the ‘70s to visit Jon’s friend who taught at UND — was not as impressive as yours, I think. Your photos of all the alley art are WONDERFUL.


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