Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin to Michigan City, Indiana

 Days 69-70; July 31-August 1, 2021

Pike’s Peak to Blues Fest, then on to Michigan City, IN

Hiking Pike’s Peak, McGregor, Iowa

I never knew that there were TWO Pike’s Peaks. Yup. There are. Right across the river from Prairie du Chien, is Pike’s Peak State Park (McGregor, Iowa). In 1805, Zebulon Pike was sent to explore the mouth of the Wisconsin River and found a great and unknown river, what is now the Mississippi. Pike recommended the location of the current state park as an important strategic site, suitable for a fort.

A few years later, Pike was sent westward by the US government to Colorado where he discovered another peak, also named Pike’s Peak.

The Wisconsin River is seen on the right of this photo, where it merges with the Mississippi River. The Upper Mississippi is called a “braided river” due to the many islands, side channels, backwaters and branches.

Extraordinary views of the Mississippi from Pike’s Peak. Note the hazy views, due to smoke from Canadian wildfires that has drifted down to this area of Iowa and Wisconsin. The air is thick too with moisture: the entire time we were there, the humidity varied between 70-80%. Damp.

View from the hiking path through the trees to the Mississippi

A field of Queen Anne’s Lace, seen from above. So lacey!

Not much water flowing over Bridal Veil Falls

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a fungus like this one. It resembled tea dyed paper….

I see faces everywhere. Mostly on the backs of trucks and cars that we’re following on the highway.  But sometimes even in nature. Am I the only one seeing a face here?

Prairie Dog Blues Fest

After we re-aligned our travel plans (when we couldn’t get into Canada), it just happened that our stop in Prairie du Chien coincided with the Prairie Dog Blues Fest! Dr Donna Anne has talked about this for years. Unfortunately, she wasn’t feeling well enough to join us, but her sister and BIL took good care of us! 
The setting on St. Feriole Island, Prairie du Chien, Wi

Amanda Fish had a voice like Janis Joplin

This just made me smile

My favorite of the bands we heard was a Wisconsin band—The Altered Five Blues Band. Each musician (lead guitar, bass, percussion, keyboard and vocalist) was so GOOD and they really worked well together. Just Wow. If you have a chance, check out “Devils and Demons are Dragging Me Down” or any of their other stuff. I thought I didn’t like “Blues”. What I learned at the Blues Fest was that there is a spectrum of musical styles within the Blues umbrella. Some styles I liked better than others. It was a great experience!

The Altered 5 Blues Band’s lead singer—he was great and he ran the show!

August 1: we drive to Michigan City, Indiana

Yes, that’s a long crack in the windshield. But it will be fixed soon….

Tomorrow: we explore the Dunes of Michigan City, IN. Stay tuned!


  1. More stunning views of Ol’ Man River, and the Blues Fest looked like so much fun — I could almost hear the music and crowd sounds. Gotta love the Midwest in the summertime….🍻


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