New Mexico: White Sands National Monument

 30 April 2022

We got up early to head to White Sands, knowing that we wouldn’t be there for the sunset hike…and we’d already missed the sunrise! (Eastern edge of the time zone and all that!) We are trying to make every minute count because we will be up early again tomorrow to head to Casa Grande, AZ as we continue to make our way west. 

Today we got in the Dune Life Nature Trail, the Interdune Boardwalk, and a wee bit of the beginning of the Alkalai Flat Trail, just enough so we could get a visual on the Alkalai Flat. I told Dan that between Big Bend NP, the slot canyon in the Big Bend Ranch State Park, and the White Sands trails, we’ve had enormous diversity in what we’ve gotten to see this week! White Sands did not disappoint. So. Much. Gypsum. (Powder.) We both remarked that it was MUCH easier walking than what we encountered last September in Sleeping Bear Dunes SP in Michigan. 

I’m sorry about these photos. The views were incredible. So much white in every direction. But the photos are flat compared to what the views were. (If I ever get to come back, the Sunset hike is a MUST.) I hope they give you a feel for what we got to see. Temps started around 80F and were about 86F when we left, but as they say, it’s a “dry heat”!

Ah, those shifting sands. As evidenced by the roots above the surface of the dune, now blown away!
This was, BY FAR, the largest tree/shrub we saw in this area; it was actually a surprise when we saw it.

Purple sand verbena with bonus lizard.

My favorite of today’s pictures: lots of tracks and light/shadow. Love it. 
(And, it’s in full color, not BW)

That is Alkalai Flat off in the distance.

White white white.

The BAT Mobile poses in the White Sands NM. From the ongoing Dodge Ram advertising series.

People sled down the dunes!
We noted that it goes much better if you have an established “chute” to slide on.

Pistachio Land

Little pistachios on the tree

Irrigated pistachio grove

Dan poses with the giant pistachio, part of our WE LIKE IT BIG album!


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